Getaway Cycle Center - Operating as Mobile Bicycle Shop - Full Sales & Service/Repair

Bianchi - 130 yrs of Italian Style
KHS Bikes
Ventana - Pure Mountain
ARGON 18 - Tri/TT/Road Precision
TwinSix Bikes
Niner Bikes
Custom Builds
Bicycle Fitting
DIY - Buy On-Line? Need Help? Come on Down
Maintence Tips


Newark Airport rides $80

Mobile Service Only
No Open Store hours 
On Site Service or At-Home Pickup/Drop Off
I pick it up, tune/repair and return it back to you.
Turnaround time is 2-5 days
No weekend service 
Full Services & Repairs offered on ALL Bikes
Road/Mountian/Tri/Hybrid/Comfort/Kids/and vintage/clunker/discount 

Flat Tire - $40 
(inc. tube, Safety Check, Lube, Air)
Complete Tune Up - $80
(Full Tune w/wheel true & deeper Adjustments)
Most\ bikes require this service 
Electric Bike service Add on $20 to all tunes/repairs 
Additional add ons: $10,$20, $30 +
Yes, We tune up Electric Bikes
(do not work on electical systems) 
New Bike Assemble/Tune Up/Adjustments  Out of Box $80
Electric Bikes Add $20-40
All Parts & Accessories Available 

3 Hamburg Turnpike Pompton Lakes NJ 

We will accept your delivery, assemble the bike/parts, Fit you to the bike, iclude a breakin tune-up and keep you rolling with a smile 

3 Hamburg Turnpike  Pompton Lakes NJ 07442

New Jersey Bicycle Shop, NJ Bicycle Shop, Pompton Lakes nj, Ringwood, NJ,  Bloomingdale NJ, Riverdale NJ, Wayne NJ, Kinnelon NJ, Franklin Lakes, West Milford

New Jersey Bicycle Shop, NJ Bicycle Shop, Pompton Lakes nj, Ringwood, NJ,  Bloomingdale NJ, Riverdale NJ, Wayne NJ, Kinnelon NJ, Franklin Lakes, West Milford

Getaway Cycle Center  1MobileBicycleShop
New Jersey Bicycle Shop, NJ Bicycle Shop, Pompton Lakes nj, Ringwood, NJ,  Bloomingdale NJ, Riverdale NJ, Wayne NJ, Kinnelon NJ, Franklin Lakes, West Milford
KHS Bikes, Bianchi BIkes, Argon 18, Banshee, & Ventana Dealer